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Eric Giriat, draws like he breathes since he was old enough to hold a pencil. His studies at ESAG Penninghen also opened him to other graphic paths. He graduated in 1989, just in time to participate in the opening of the Berlin Wall. He has a creative mind and is in constant graphic research. He lives and works in Paris and Berlin, and defines himself as an illustrator without borders, whether they are geographical, thematic, stylistic or technical. Instilling humour and poetry into his drawings and collages, Eric Giriat cultivates a singular and original style. Spotted by ELLE magazine at the end of the 90s, he has since multiplied his collaborations in the press, advertising and publishing all over the world, in all fields. He flirts with fashion, design and scenography (conception of the 2016 Christmas Circus for The Landmark in Hong Kong). For him, a good design is first of all a good idea with style ... This was very well demonstrated with the iconic Iris Apfel, the empress of style, who inspired him so well for the designs and windows of the exhibition "Iris in Paris" at the Bon Marché rive Gauche in 2016.