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24.17 €
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Made in France

Our products leave our workshops within 8 working days.
The format 38x56 cm, 56x76 cm, 76x105 cm,
and 95x130 cm within 10 to 15 days


Metropolitan France and Worlwide 

Image sizes

  • 22x22 cm - Drawing : 13x13 cm
  • 30x40 cm - Drawing : 19,4x27,2 cm
  • 40x50 cm - Drawing : 30,4x41,8 cm
  • 38x56 cm - Drawing : 32,6x50 cm
+3 cm of large white
  • 56x76 cm - Drawing : 50x70 cm
+3 cm of large white
  • 76x105 cm - Drawing : 75x100 cm
  • 95x130 cm - Drawing : 90x120 cm
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Our Shop : 4 Rue du Cherche-Midi 75006 Paris

Lundi à Vendredi 10h13h - 14H18H

Samedi 13h 19H

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returns are guaranteed within 15 days

Le Petit Nicolas

"When I grow up, I'll buy a classroom just to play in it!” For the Petit Nicolas, Goscinny invents a childish language that seduces children as much as it makes their parents smile. Combined with Sempé's marvellous drawings, these stories became an international bestsellers and became classics of our literature. The extraordinary complicity of the young author duo of Goscinny and Sempé reveals a real universe.

"Goscinny came up with a text about a child who told about his life with his friends, who all had strange names: Rufus, Alceste, Maixent, Agnan, Clotaire... The headmaster was nicknamed the Bouillon. That was it: René had found the formula", says Sempé.

The first adventure of Petit Nicolas appeared on 29 March 1959 in the newspaper Sud Ouest-Dimanche. For seven years, every week Goscinny and Sempé brought Petit Nicolas to life, writing 222 stories. Through Nicolas and his friends, they bring their own memories to life. "Sensations, more than memories: the smell of a chocolate bun when leaving school, the atmosphere of a playground, all the hustle and bustle of childhood that Sempé felt so well," Goscinny said.

© IMAV éditions/Goscinny-Sempé.