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32.5 €
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Made in France

Our products leave our workshops within 8 working days.
The format 38x56 cm, 56x76 cm, 76x105 cm,
and 95x130 cm within 10 to 15 days


Metropolitan France and Worlwide 

Image sizes

  • 22x22 cm - Drawing : 13x13 cm
  • 30x40 cm - Drawing : 19,4x27,2 cm
  • 40x50 cm - Drawing : 30,4x41,8 cm
  • 38x56 cm - Drawing : 32,6x50 cm
+3 cm of large white
  • 56x76 cm - Drawing : 50x70 cm
+3 cm of large white
  • 76x105 cm - Drawing : 75x100 cm
  • 95x130 cm - Drawing : 90x120 cm
Voir plus de formats

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Our Shop : 4 Rue du Cherche-Midi 75006 Paris

Lundi à Vendredi 10h13h - 14H18H

Samedi 13h 19H

01 44 50 14 10 ✉️ Nous écrire


returns are guaranteed within 15 days

Why LA? Pourquoi Paris ?

Diane Ratican grew up in West Hollywood, but has lived in Paris and Los Angeles for the past 20 years. With degrees in history and sociology from Berkeley and UCLA, she started out as an educator for gifted children before going into business. Creative and curious, her travels back and forth between L.A. and the capital have inspired her to share her wonder and passion for both cities and cultures. She paints deep and subtle portraits: in Paris, roots and culture, in Los Angeles, the future and innovation.

Two illustrators are dedicated to each city: Nick Lu to L.A., and Eric Giriat to Paris.

Nick Lu studied at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, from which he graduated. Nick lives in Los Angeles where he is an illustrator for The New Yorker, Wired, the Boston Globe, PlanSponsor, Bloomberg View, Hahe Luft Magazine, Playboy Jazz, Poketo, Riney Advertising, and MacMillan Children's Publishing.

Eric Giriat started out illustrating for ELLE magazine in the 1990s. He has since worked for the press, advertising and publishers. He is internationally renowned and his clients range from fashion, economics, politics and psychology to children's books, interior design and the luxury industry and culture.