All of Jean-Jacques Sempé's subtle poetry and derision are found in this drawing. The Eiffel Tower, like an oversized beast emerging from the jungle, stands in the back of the Parisian, impressive and reassuring at the same time. With a sh...Show more
All of Jean-Jacques Sempé's subtle poetry and derision are found in this drawing. The Eiffel Tower, like an oversized beast emerging from the jungle, stands in the back of the Parisian, impressive and reassuring at the same time. With a shy look, the tiny communicates with the immense, and normality with dreams of grandeur. From the 7th arrondissement to Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris is a constant subject of observation for Sempé. Read less
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Made in France

Our products leave our workshops within 8 working days.
The format 38x56 cm, 56x76 cm, 76x105 cm,
and 95x130 cm within 10 to 15 days


Metropolitan France and Worlwide 

Image sizes

  • 22x22 cm - Drawing : 13x13 cm
  • 30x40 cm - Drawing : 19,4x27,2 cm
  • 40x50 cm - Drawing : 30,4x41,8 cm
  • 38x56 cm - Drawing : 32,6x50 cm
+3 cm of large white
  • 56x76 cm - Drawing : 50x70 cm
+3 cm of large white
  • 76x105 cm - Drawing : 75x100 cm
  • 95x130 cm - Drawing : 90x120 cm
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"When I was a kid, heckling was my only distraction". Sempé was born on 17 August 1932 in Bordeaux. Expelled from school for indiscipline, he started working: handyman for a wine broker, holiday camp instructor, office boy... At the age of 18, he worked in newsrooms and sold his first drawing to Sud-Ouest in 1951. His meeting with Goscinny coincided with the beginning of his dazzling career as a "press cartoonist".

Some forty albums of drawings, since "Rien n'est simple" in 1962, marvelously translate his tenderly ironic vision of our shortcomings, masterpieces of humour. Sempé is one of the few French cartoonists to illustrate the covers of the very prestigious The New Yorker, and makes thousands of readers smile in Paris Match.

In 1992, Martine Gossieaux opened a gallery dedicated to her passion since childhood: timeless and elegant humourous drawings. Every year she exhibits original drawings by Sempé at 56 rue de l'Université in Paris and publishes engravings, original prints and books. She regularly organizes large-scale exhibitions devoted to him throughout the world, in museums and cultural venues. In 2018, the Fonds de Dotation Jean-Jacques Sempé was created by the artist to disseminate and promote his work.

The Sempé's Collection published by Image Republic in collaboration with the Martine Gossieaux Gallery, is exclusive, the drawings are available in 30x40 cm and 40x50 cm mounted prints, puzzles, notebooks and postcards.

Photo © Jean-Paul Guilloteau / EXPRESS-REA


All of Jean-Jacques Sempé's subtle poetry and derision are found in this drawing. The Eiffel Tower, like an oversized beast emerging from the jungle, stands in the back of the Parisian, impressive and reassuring at the same time. With a shy look, the tiny communicates with the immense, and normality with dreams of grandeur. From the 7th arrondissement to Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris is a constant subject of observation for Sempé.