Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use

Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use


The general conditions of sale detailed below (hereafter designated "General Conditions"), govern

the contractual relations between each user of the image-republic.com site (hereafter designated

the "User" or "You") and the commercial brand IMAGE REPUBLIC* which belongs to the company

IMAGE REPUBLIC* SARL with a capital of 50 000 EUROS, whose headquarters are located at 36 Rue

Bayen – 75017 Paris and is registered at the register of commerce and corporations of Paris under

the number 531 601 656 (hereafter designated "IMAGE REPUBLIC*"). 

These general conditions of sale are the only conditions applicable and replace all other conditions,

except for any prior derogation, explicit and written.

IMAGE REPUBLIC* may punctually modify certain of the dispositions of its general conditions; it is

also necessary that these be reread before each visit to the site image-republic.com (hereafter

designated the "Site").

These modifications are binding from the date of their posting online (01/09/2011) and cannot be

applied to contracts concluded before that date. Each purchase on the Site is governed by the

general conditions applicable at the date of the order.

In validating your order, you accept without reserve the General Conditions after having read them.

By accessing the Site, you agree to comply with the present conditions.

It is specified that the present conditions govern the sales of the products of IMAGE REPUBLIC* on

the Site.


To use the Site, you must be at least 18 years of age, and be legally capable of contracting and using

the Site in accordance with the present General Conditions.

You guarantee the truth and exactitude of the information provided by yourself on this Site.

IMAGE REPUBLIC* reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a customer with whom there

is a dispute concerning payment of a previous order. 

The Site is available in French and English. You may modify the language of the Site on the Home

page of the Site.

1. Essential characteristics of the products

The products sold on the Site are certified prints, packets of postcards, or any other product

manufactured and sold by IMAGE REPUBLIC*. 

These artistic creations are the expression of the creativity of their authors.

The prices of our products are indicated in euros with all taxes included (VAT + other taxes),

excluding handling and shipping fees to be paid by the purchaser. 

In case of a delivery to a country other than metropolitan France, you are the importer of the work

or works concerned.

These duties and sums are not the responsibility of IMAGE REPUBLIC*. They will be at your charge

and result in your entire responsibility as much in terms of declarations as in the payments to the

authorities and the competent organizations of your country. It is indispensable that you inform

yourself about these aspects with your local authorities. 

IMAGE REPUBLIC*reserves the right to modify its prices at any time. Products will be billed on the

basis of the prevailing price list at the moment of the registration of orders, subject to availability. 

The products remain the property of IMAGE REPUBLIC* until complete payment of the indicated


2. Placing an order

To place an order, you should pass through the following steps:

• Consultation of the product information page. You must click on “Add to shopping cart” in order to

add this article to your shopping cart.

• “Shopping cart” screen: you have the possibility to consult the list of selected creations and to

delete an article or to modify the quantities ordered at any time.

• Screens for identification or creation of a client account.

• Screen for selecting delivery mode. On this screen, a link is available which allows you to modify

the articles in your order.

• Summary and choice of payment screen. This screen allows you to choose your mode of payment

and to verify the different elements constituting your order (articles, quantity, mode of delivery,

total price). You must ensure that all these elements are in conformity with your order. The links on

this screen enable you to modify your order.

• You must then accept the general conditions of sale and of utilization of the Site in order to

proceed to the payment step. The conditions are available for reading and printing from the “general

conditions of sale” link. Your acceptance of these conditions is validated by checking the box

attached to the link. The general conditions of sale and of utilization of the Site must be accepted at

each order. 

• You pay for your order via the method of payment selected from among those proposed.

• The contract is not concluded until confirmation of payment by the bank.

• The Site sends you a confirmation of your order by email in the minutes that follow.

3. Modes of payment

Payment for your purchases may be effected: 

- either by credit card: Visa or MasterCard 

- by PayPal

- or by bank check (only valid for orders made from France; the check must be emitted from a bank

domiciled in continental France)

4. Security of payments

For payments by credit card, the transaction is effected by Orgone, via the payment system of Crédit

Mutuel, on the site of Crédit Mutuel.

The bank information of the User is encrypted (SSL technology, Secure Socket Layer). It does not

circulate freely on the Internet and cannot be intercepted.

Your bank information (number of card, expiration date….) is not communicated to IMAGE


5. Proof

The information registered by the Site constitutes the proof of the entirety of transactions effected

between the Site and its clients. 

The information registered by the payment system of Crédit Mutuel constitutes the sole and unique

admissible proof of financial transactions.

6. Processing and delivery of orders

Orders placed from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, are expedited within 48 hours, with a

possible manufacturing delay for certain products. Works noted “OUT OF STOCK” can no longer be


7. Shipping address

IMAGE REPUBLIC*ships to metropolitan France, all member countries of the European Union, and all

countries served by Colissimo transport services.

Products will be delivered to the shipping address that you indicate when placing your order; this

address may be different from the “billing address”. The time limit for delivery depends on certain

factors and corresponds to:

- the delivery time indicated on the product notice,

to which must be added

- the time required for processing and dispatch.

A change of shipping address after placing the order is often not possible for logistical reasons. You

may always contact us by email or telephone if you wish to change the shipping address and we will

study the possibilities in function of your order.

8. Modes of delivery and transit times 

The possible modes of delivery depend on the quantity, the size of the article(s) ordered and the

country of destination.

If your order comports articles of different sizes, it is the size of the largest article that is taken into

account. IMAGE REPUBLIC* reserves the right to select the carrier. 

The respect of the transit times depends on our carrier. In consequence, no request for

indemnification, whatever nature it may be, may be claimed by the client.

9. Shipping fees

The shipping fees vary according to the destination and the mode of delivery as well as the number

and the format of the works ordered.

10. Reception of the delivery

Upon reception of your order, it is your responsibility to open the package to verify the state of the

prints within.  

If you do not personally receive the package, please ask the person charged with receiving the

package for you to proceed with verifying the state of the contents.

In case of a problem, please give your package back to the deliverer (La Poste or a private carrier),

stipulating the problem encountered and contact our customer service on the same day. 

Do not sign the delivery slip if the order is damaged. No claims will be honored if the delivery slip has

been signed.

In case of delivery by a private carrier, the carrier is not required to deliver the package to the

interior of your domicile but may give you the package at the entrance of your house or building.

The reception of the objects transported shall extinguish all rights of action against the carrier for

damage or partial loss if within three days, excluding holidays, following this reception, the recipient

has not notified the carrier, by an extrajudicial act or by registered letter, his protestation which

must be justified. (art L 133.3 of the French Commercial Code).

11. Right of withdrawal

In conformity with current law, as an individual you dispose of a right of withdrawal for the return of

a work that does not suit you. This right is not applied to orders made by companies.

For all orders on the Site, you dispose of a period of 7 days from the date of placing your order to

exercise your right of withdrawal with IMAGE REPUBLIC*, with no justification required or penalty to


To do so, please contact our customer service; they will indicate the return address to you and you

will then dispose of a period of 10 days to return your order to us in its original packaging.

• If your order was delivered by la Poste (Coli Eco, Colissimo, Chronopost), you will be able to return

your order by La Poste (shipping fees for returns are your responsibility) or to bring it to our Gallery.

• If your order was delivered by a carrier, the carrier will come to pick up your order. This service will

be billed to you at the same price as the original shipment.

No "shipment for reimbursement" will be accepted, for any reason.

IMAGE REPUBLIC* will refund you the price of the returned articles as well as the original shipping

fees less the penalties (the return shipping fees remain your responsibility) within a period of 15

days following the reception of your order by IMAGE REPUBLIC*, by credit in the bank account

having served for payment, by check or by gift certificate, according to the mode of payment used at

the time of the order.

12. Right of return

In case the works received do not conform to the order, you dispose of a right of return. In this case,

please contact our customer service; they will indicate the return address and return procedures to


IMAGE REPUBLIC* will exchange the damaged article within the limits of available stocks. In the case

of the exercise of a right of return, and only in this case, the shipping fees of the return and of the

new shipment will be assumed by IMAGE REPUBLIC*.

13. Customer service and claims 

For any information or questions, our customer service is available from Monday to Friday, from

9:30 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm, at our toll-free number: 0 800 00 37 75 (from France). We

will be delighted to give all the information that you wish about our works and your order.


In application of article 1148 of the Code Civil, IMAGE REPUBLIC* may not be held responsible or

considered as having committed misfeasance in the processing of your file, if any delay or non-

execution results from a case of force majeure.


The automated processing of personal data on this website has been registered with the

Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés under the reference number 1280165.

The information and data concerning you, necessary for managing your order and our commercial

relations, may be transmitted to companies which contribute to these relations such as those

charged with carrying out services and orders for management, execution, delivery and payment.

This information and data is also kept as a security measure, in order to respect legal and regulatory

obligations, as well as to enable us to personalize the services which we offer you and to enhance

the quality of the information we send you.

If you so desire, you can modify these choices in your client account on the Site or by writing to us at

the address below. 

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6 1978, you have the right to access, modify,

rectify, or delete any personal information that concerns you. You can exercise this right by sending

a letter to the following address: 


36 rue Bayen

75017 Paris FRANCE

You may also consult or modify your personal data in your client account on IMAGE REPUBLIC*.


The products we propose comply with French legislation in force.

The company IMAGE REPUBLIC* takes every effort to assure, to the best of its abilities, the

exactitude and the updating of the information published on this site, the content of which it

reserves the right to correct at any moment and without prior notice. Nevertheless, the company

IMAGE REPUBLIC* cannot absolutely guarantee the exactitude, the precision, and the

exhaustiveness of the information put at the disposal of users on this site.

Consequently, the company IMAGE REPUBLIC* declines all responsibility for any interruption of the

site, any incidence of bugs, any inexactitudes or omissions concerning the information available on

the site, or any damages resulting from a fraudulent intrusion of a third party having caused a

modification of the information put at the disposal of users on the site.

This site may contain links to other sites. The company IMAGE REPUBLIC* cannot be held

responsible for problems of access or for the content of these sites.

IMAGE REPUBLIC* will not be held responsible for damages resulting from utilization or the

impossibility of utilization of the Site.

IMAGE REPUBLIC* will not in any case be held responsible for any dysfunction imputable to software

programs, which may or may not be incorporated into the Site or provided with it.

IMAGE REPUBLIC* is committed to respecting all legal guarantees to which you are entitled.

As the works presented on our site are in conformity with the prescriptions of French law, we will

not be held responsible for the violation of any legislation proper to the country of delivery. It is

therefore your responsibility to verify the possibilities of importation or utilization of the products or

services you wish to order with your local authorities.


1.   Rights concerning the work

The artist, having taken the initiative of his creation, remains the owner of the author’s rights of his

or her work, as defined by French law. The rights of representation and of reproduction of the works

presented on the site image-republic.com belong to their authors and to IMAGE REPUBLIC*.

Their conjoint authorization is necessary for all exploitation of these rights.

As such, and in accordance with the provisions of the code of intellectual property, only private use

subject to differing or more restrictive provisions of intellectual property legislation is authorized.

2.    Intellectual property rights

All the contents of the website and the site itself are protected by author's rights, trademark law,

trademarks, drawings and designs and/or any other intellectual property rights. By item, which we

understand to be non-exhaustive: the photographs, images, designs, illustrations, texts, videos,

logos, trademarks, models, software programs…These articles belong to IMAGE REPUBLIC* or are

utilized with the permission of their respective authors/owners.

Therefore, all reproductions or representations, either partial or integral, of any part of the site

Image-republic.com, are strictly forbidden, at the risk of constituting a breach in the copyrights of

the author and/or of designs and models and/or of trademark, punishable by two years of

imprisonment and fines.


The present contract is subject to French law. It is available in the language of the consultation of the

Site (see Art. 2). In the unlikely event that a dispute should arise as a result of the present

contractual relation, the user and IMAGE REPUBLIC* agree to seek an amicable solution before

taking any legal action. In case of litigation, only French tribunals will be competent.

August 15, 2015